Head Radical Pro


The HEAD Radical Pro is a premier choice for advanced and professional players seeking exceptional control and versatility on the padel court. With its teardrop-shaped design, 3K carbon hitting surface, and manageable weight of 365 grams, this racquet delivers precise shots and swift maneuverability. The soft plug technology integrated into the handle enhances comfort and minimizes vibrations, making it an ideal companion for enthusiasts and competitive players alike

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Head Radical Pro

HEAD Radical Pro is a top-tier choice for advanced and professional players seeking control and versatility on the padel court. Let’s dive into the details:

  • Shape: The Radical Pro features a teardrop-shaped design, which enhances control and precision during play.
  • Hitting Surface: Crafted with a 3K carbon hitting surface, this racquet provides excellent control and responsiveness.
  • Weight and Balance:
    • Weight: 365 g (12.9 oz)
    • Balance: 260 mm (1.3 in) HH (Head Heavy)
  • Maneuverability: The lower weight and balance contribute to improved maneuverability, allowing players to react swiftly to shots.
  • Soft Plug Technology: The Radical Pro 2024 also incorporates soft plug technology at the base of the handle, enhancing comfort and reducing vibrations.
  • Ideal for Advanced Players: If you’re an enthusiast, tournament player, or someone who plays competitively, the Radical Pro is designed to fit your game.

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History of Head Padel

Head Padel, a division of the globally renowned sports equipment manufacturer Head, has made significant strides in the world of padel since its inception. Known for its innovative designs and high-quality products, Head Padel has become a leading name in the sport, attracting both professional and amateur players.

Early Beginnings

Founded in 1950 by Howard Head, an aeronautical engineer, the Head brand initially focused on ski and tennis equipment. With a passion for sports and a keen eye for innovation, Howard Head revolutionized the skiing industry with the first metal laminate skis, setting a precedent for the company’s future endeavors. The success in skiing led to the development of tennis rackets, and Head quickly established itself as a leader in both markets.

Entry into Padel

Head entered the padel market in the early 2000s, recognizing the sport’s rapid growth and popularity, particularly in Spain and Latin America. The brand leveraged its expertise in racket sports to create high-performance padel rackets, combining cutting-edge technology with superior materials.

Technological Innovations

Graphene Technology: One of Head’s most significant contributions to padel has been the incorporation of graphene in its rackets. Graphene, a form of carbon known for its strength and lightness, allows for the creation of rackets that offer exceptional power and control. The use of graphene has set Head apart from many competitors, providing players with a competitive edge on the court.

Comfort and Performance: Head Padel has continuously focused on improving player comfort and performance. Technologies such as Comfort Foam and Anti-Shock Skin help reduce vibrations and enhance playability, ensuring that players can enjoy longer sessions without compromising on performance or comfort.

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