Everything you need to know about padel

Sports, fun and social interaction

Padel is a dynamic sport that seamlessly blends action, enjoyment, and social engagement. It’s a fantastic activity suitable for individuals of all ages and skill levels, offering a fast-paced and easily accessible gameplay experience. Within just thirty minutes of play, most participants grasp the fundamentals, allowing them to fully immerse themselves in the excitement of the game.

Unlike tennis, where strength, technique, and serve often dominate, padel offers a more inclusive environment where men, women, and youth can compete on equal footing. While skill certainly plays a crucial role, the true essence of padel lies in strategic play, where points are earned through cunning tactics rather than sheer physical prowess. It’s a sport that fosters camaraderie, strategy, and endless enjoyment for players of all backgrounds

01 The court 

The padel court is typically a perfect square, measuring 10×10 meters on each half of the court. All lines on the court are 5 cm wide. The court surface can be made of porous concrete and cement, synthetic grass, or carpet. The color options for the court surface include green, black, blue, or earthy-brown.

Padel is a unique blend of tennis and squash, played on an enclosed court surrounded by glass and metal mesh walls. The court dimensions are one-third the size of a standard tennis court.

During play, the ball can rebound off any wall but must only touch the court surface once before being returned. Points are scored when the ball bounces twice in the opponent’s field

02 The rules 

Padel combines elements of tennis and squash with many unique touches. Its social nature and strategic depth make it both accessible and challenging for players of all levels. 

Padel is a sport played in pairs (two against two). Although similar to tennis, the rules of padel are specific: 

The objective of padel is to hit the ball over the net and into the opponent’s court with a single stroke. Once it has done so and touched the ground on the receiving team’s side, it can bounce off any wall on the receiver’s side. However, the ball cannot bounce off the same side of the court after hitting a wall. The ball also cannot touch the ceiling or any element such as lights or fences above the walls. 

The net is 10 meters long and 0.88 meters high in the center, rising at its ends to a maximum of 0.92 meters. 

Padel matches are played best of three sets. The pair who wins two out of the three sets wins the match. The pair who first wins six games with a two-game lead over their opponents is declared the winner of the set. If there is a tie at six, a tie-break is played, and if there is a tie at one set each, the third set can be played until one of the pairs achieves a two-game advantage over their opponent. 

The scoring system in padel is similar to tennis. Six games must be won to win a set, and points increase in increments of 15, 30, 40, and game points. If both teams are tied at 40, the game goes to “deuce.” From there, a team must win two consecutive points to win the ongoing game. 

In some tournaments: the Golden Point rule is implemented, whereby when a game is tied at 40-40, the tiebreaker is played to a single point (the “advantages” are eliminated). A system that adds additional excitement and increases the pace of the game.

03 Essential elements

Padel is a fast-paced and easy-to-learn sport, making it incredibly enjoyable and addictive for players of all skill levels. Using a short, stringless padel racquet with an elastic surface featuring holes, along with a low compression tennis ball, the service is executed underarm.

Shots can be played either before or after the ball bounces off the surrounding glass walls, adding a unique dimension to the sport compared to conventional tennis.

The Ball view products

According to the International Padel Federation (FIP) regulations, the padel ball must be made of rubber in either yellow or white color, with a diameter between 6.32 and 6.77 centimeters and a weight between 56 and 59 grams. Its bounce should range between 135 and 145 cm when dropped onto a hard surface from a height of about 2.50 meters. The ball’s internal pressure should be between 4.6 kg and 5.2 kg per 2.54 cm².

Racquets ‘Pala’ – view products

Regulation padel racquets have maximum dimensions of 45.5 centimeters in length, 26 centimeters in width, and 38 millimeters in thickness. Padel racquets are crafted from a wide range of materials, including fiberglass, carbon fiber, EVA foam, or even more exotic materials like kevlar, graphene, or tungsten.

One of the most significant features of padel racquets is their perforated design, featuring holes (with no limit) ranging from 9 to 13 mm in diameter across their central area. There are three main types of padel racquets: Diamond (providing more power), Tear Drop (offering a balance of control and power), and Round (providing greater control).

Overgrips view products

Grip plays a pivotal role in padel, often overlooked by amateur players. Neglecting grip maintenance can lead to injuries, particularly in the elbow and forearm. It’s common for players to attribute these injuries solely to technique, but grip quality is a crucial factor to consider. Using an inadequate number of overgrips or neglecting to replace worn-out grips can compromise performance and increase injury risks.

The number of overgrips significantly impacts grip quality, with players having varying preferences. Some prefer more overgrips for enhanced ball feel, while others opt for fewer for better spin control. It’s crucial to prioritize grip functionality over aesthetics, as proper grip placement and quality are essential for optimal performance on the court.

Players often develop preferences for particular grip types and colors, which can enhance their playing experience. However, it’s essential to ensure grip functionality remains the top priority. Purchasing grips in bulk is a cost-effective approach, ensuring players have access to fresh grips when needed. Proper grip placement techniques are equally vital to maximize grip effectiveness and prevent unnecessary thickness in certain areas.

In summary, maintaining high-quality grip is essential for injury prevention and optimal performance in padel. Players should prioritize grip functionality over aesthetics and ensure they use the appropriate number of overgrips to suit their playing style and preferences.

04 Different types of shots in padel

Padel boasts a wide range of shots, and here are some of the key contenders you should know:


The bandeja is a fundamental shot in padel. It’s executed overhead and primarily used when the ball comes high and the player is near the net but not close enough to smash it. Technically, the player hits the ball with the racket face open, imparting slice and a slight downward trajectory, aiming to place the ball deep into the opponent’s court. The tactical purpose of the bandeja is to keep opponents at the back of the court, making it harder for them to attack, and preparing for a possible net play or countering a lob.


The víbora is an advanced variation of the bandeja with additional spin and speed. It’s executed with a quick whip-like motion, where the player hits the ball with a combination of slice and side spin. This shot is particularly effective because it creates an unpredictable bounce, making it challenging for the opponent to return the ball accurately. The víbora is used to apply pressure from an offensive position, often aiming at the side walls to maximize return difficulty.


Similar to tennis, the volley is a shot executed before the ball bounces and is typically performed near the net to exert offensive pressure. The goal is to hit the ball early, reducing opponents’ reaction time and limiting their defensive options. Technically, the volley requires a short and compact swing and a firm wrist to control the direction and pace of the ball. Players strategically place volleys, either to move opponents out of position or to find gaps in their defense.


 The smash (or overhead smash) is one of the most powerful and decisive shots in padel, used to end points when the ball is high enough and within hitting distance. The shot involves a full swing overhead, aiming to hit the ball with maximum force, either directly out of the court (if the rules and court design allow) or towards the opponent’s court with such speed and angle that it cannot be returned. Technically, the smash requires good timing, body rotation, and wrist movement to generate power and direction. Tactically, it’s used when a player has a clear offensive advantage, often after a weak return or a failed lob over the opponents.


 The lob is a strategic shot designed to push opponents back from the net, creating space and time. Its tactical purpose is to disrupt opponents’ positioning on the court, forcing them to retreat and thereby opening up the front court for subsequent attacks. Technically, the lob is executed with a soft and ascending stroke, aiming to send the ball over opponents’ heads while ensuring it lands deep in the court to avoid an easy return. It’s a key shot for changing the dynamics of a point, transitioning from defense to offense, or simply resetting the play from a less favorable position.